SLAKED LIME OR LIME PUTTY (seasoned 8-10 months)

SLAKED LIME OR LIME PUTTY (seasoned 8-10 months)

Air binding product according to traditional methods. Having carefully selected the stone, from the quarry, it is slow fired in specific furnaces at 950-980 °C, using sawdust as fuel. The quicklime, thus obtained, is subsequently “quenched” with plenty of water, giving rise to SLAKED LIME, or air-slaked lime.

• Loose in 750 kg (approx.) metal containers, with a protective sheath (limited territorial distribution).
• 30 kg (approx.) bags.
• 900 kg (approx.) big bags (30 bags x 30 kg approx.).
• Tank, on the ground.


At this point, the product is left to cure in specific tanks, for at least 8-10 months: in this period the hexagonal crystals, composing the structure of the product, are gradually and slowly arranged in many parallel rows, making the lime putty more compact, sticky, tenacious and workable, therefore cured and ready for use.
Thanks to its natural characteristics, this product is perfectly in line with the current green building philosophy, always more attentive to health and safeguarding the individual and the environment.
Application fields
La CALCE SPENTA, o grassello a presa aerea, può essere utilizzata per tinteggiature e decorazioni murali, rasature, bassorilievi e marmorini di elevato pregio estetico ed architettonico e affreschi.
Il prodotto viene mescolato con sabbia grossa per confezionare malte di allettamento per la realizzazione di muri con pietre e mattoni e di malte per intonaci grezzi per esterni ed interni; con sabbia fine per realizzare qualsiasi tipo di intonaco fine.

SLAKED LIME OR LIME PUTTY (seasoned 8-10 months)
